Hiking Dogs

14 Dog Gear Essentials for Fall Hiking

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Hiking is not just an outdoor activity; it’s a chance to embark on bonding adventures with your canine companion. Whether you’re climbing mountains or exploring scenic trails, having the right gear for your dog can make all the difference. From safety to comfort, the following 14 items are essential for any hiking enthusiast with a canine sidekick.

Dog-Friendly Harness

A dog harness is ideal for the safety and comfort of your dog on the trail. Unlike traditional collars, which can put pressure on a dog’s neck and potentially cause injury, a harness distributes force evenly across the chest and shoulders. This reduces the risk of choking, tracheal damage, or spinal injuries, particularly in smaller breeds or dogs with respiratory issues.

A well-fitting harness can also prevent a dog from slipping out of their collar, lessening the chance your dog could be injured or lost.

Dog harnesses are also instrumental in training and behavior management. They give greater control over your dog’s movements, making it easier to redirect their attention, discourage pulling, and improve leash manners. This not only enhances the walking experience but also fosters a stronger bond between you and your dog.

Invest in a comfortable and sturdy harness designed for hiking. Look for features like padding and reflective strips for added safety during low-light hikes.

Our favorite is the Ruffwear, Web Master, Multi-Use Support Dog Harness. It is padded for comfort, while remaining lightweight for all-day use, and has reflective safety trim. Best of all, it has a handle for you to help your dog maneuver over obstacles on the trail.

Best Dog Harness for Hiking: Ruffwear, Web Master, Multi-Use Support Dog Harness

Durable Leash

Opt for a strong, lightweight leash made from materials like nylon or climbing rope.

When it comes to selecting the best type of dog leash for a hike, you can also consider a hands-free leash or a waist leash. These leashes are designed to allow the hiker to have both hands free while keeping the dog safely under control and are typically worn around the hiker’s waist. This hands-free design is especially advantageous for hiking, as it enables the hiker to maintain balance on uneven terrain, use trekking poles, or navigate tricky paths without the need to hold a leash.

A key feature to look for in a hands-free leash for hiking is an adjustable length, allowing you to keep your dog close when needed and provide more slack when in open areas. Additionally, a leash with a shock-absorbing component can help reduce strain on both you and your dog during sudden movements or jolts.

The Chunky Paw, Hands-free leash has a dual-handle design with reflective thread, a bungee for stretch and comfort, and is hands-on, hands-off for ease of training.

Best Dog Leash for Hiking: Chunky Paw, Hands-free Dog Leash

Collapsible Water Bowl

Just like humans, dogs can become dehydrated when exerting themselves during physical activities like hiking. Dehydration can lead to various health issues, including heatstroke, lethargy, and organ damage. Ensuring your dog stays hydrated helps prevent these problems.

You should always carry an adequate supply of fresh water and provide regular breaks for your dog to drink. Pay close attention to signs of dehydration, such as excessive panting, dry gums, or lethargy, and take immediate action if you notice these symptoms. Proper hydration is a fundamental aspect of responsible and safe hiking with your furry companion.

Dogs regulate their body temperature primarily through panting. When they’re well-hydrated, panting is an effective cooling mechanism. Inadequate hydration can disrupt this process, making it challenging for your dog to cool down, especially in hot weather.

Hydration is also essential to sustain your dog’s energy levels. Hiking can be physically demanding, and water helps keep your dog energized and able to complete the hike comfortably.

Keep your pup hydrated with a collapsible water bowl. Portable bowls are lightweight and easy to carry, ensuring your dog stays refreshed throughout the hike.

The Lumoleaf Collapsible Dog Bowl comes in a two-pack of leakproof nylon fabric bowls. These bowls are lightweight and easy to handwash or wipe clean. When your dog is all fed and hydrated, the bowls collapse to stow easily in your pocket.

Best Collapsible Water Bowl: Lumoleaf Collapsible Dog Bowl

Dog Backpack

Let your dog share the load with a specially designed backpack. These packs allow your dog to carry essentials like water, food, and even small first aid items.

Dog backpacks are designed to be worn by your dog and provide an excellent means of exercise and mental stimulation for your canine companions. Dogs, especially working breeds, thrive on physical and mental challenges. Carrying a backpack engages their senses, making them feel useful and fulfilled.

A dog backpack can help alleviate restlessness and boredom, promoting a calmer and more contented pet. The added weight of the backpack also provides dogs with a moderate workout, which can be particularly beneficial for breeds with high energy levels, helping them expend energy and reduce the likelihood of unwanted behaviors at home.

For you, a dog backpack is a practical solution for carrying essential items during outdoor activities. Whether it’s a long hike, camping trip, or a day at the park, these packs enable dogs to transport supplies like water, food, and their own waste. This convenience not only makes outings more enjoyable but also encourages a sense of partnership and teamwork between you and your dog.

Dog backpacks are a win-win solution, offering your dog mental and physical stimulation while providing practical assistance for you during outdoor adventures.

Best Dog Back Pack: Ruffwear Approach Dog Backpack

Tick and Flea Protection

Use vet-recommended tick and flea preventatives to keep your dog safe from pests commonly found in wooded areas.

You can opt for flea and tick collars, spot-on treatments, or oral medications. These products are designed to repel or kill fleas and ticks, keeping your dog safe during outdoor activities like hiking. It’s essential to consult with your veterinarian to determine the most suitable option based on your dog’s specific needs and the environmental risks of the hiking location.

In addition to using preventive products, conducting regular checks during and after the hike is crucial. Inspect your dog’s fur for any signs of fleas or ticks, paying close attention to areas like the ears, neck, and paws, where these parasites often attach. Overall, combining preventive measures with diligent inspections ensures your dog’s protection against fleas and ticks during hikes, allowing for a safer and more enjoyable outdoor experience for both you and your dog.

Frontline is a tried-and-true flea and tick formula that we love.

Best Flea and Tick Treatment: Frontline Plus for Dogs, Flea and Tick Treatment

Canine First Aid Kit

While the hope is that your hike will be incident-free, it’s vital to be prepared for unexpected situations. First and foremost, carrying a basic canine first aid kit is essential. This kit should include items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, and scissors for any minor injuries your dog may sustain while on the trail.

Familiarize yourself with common hiking-related injuries and their treatment. Understanding how to assess your dog’s condition and respond to issues like minor cuts, insect stings, or paw pad injuries can make a significant difference in your dog’s well-being.

Furthermore, knowing how to recognize signs of heat exhaustion or hypothermia and taking appropriate actions, such as providing water, shade, or a blanket, can be lifesaving.

The Adventure Medical Kits Trail Dog Kit has all the basics for your hiking dog to get started on the trail.

Best Canine First Aid Kit: Adventure Medical Kits Trail Dog First Aid Medical Kit

Doggy Sunscreen

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from sunburn due to harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. This is particularly important for dogs with light-colored fur or sparse hair, as their skin is more vulnerable to UV damage. Outdoor activities, like hiking, can lead to sun exposure on areas with less fur coverage, like noses, ears, and bellies. Prolonged sun exposure without protection can lead to painful sunburn, skin irritation, and even increase the risk of skin cancer over time.

Using dog-specific sunscreen helps create a protective barrier against UV rays and reduces the risk of sunburn. Make sure to use a sunscreen formulated for dogs, as these are less likely to contain harmful chemicals or fragrances that could irritate skin. Bodhi Dog Sunscreen is easy to apply and has non-greasy, pet-safe ingredients.

Best Doggy Sunscreen: Bodhi Dog Sunscreen

Reflective Gear

Dog reflective gear is a valuable addition to any hiking adventure, especially if you plan to hit the trails during low-light conditions or at night. You can attach reflective strips or LED lights to your dog’s harness or collar to enhance visibility. Alternatively, you can go for gear with this feature already built-in. These specially designed accessories, such as reflective collars, harnesses, or vests, are equipped with reflective materials that enhance your dog’s visibility.

Hiking in the dark or during dusk can be risky without proper visibility, and reflective gear helps ensure your dog remains seen and safe. It significantly reduces the risk of accidents or run-ins with wildlife, as it’s easier for you to keep an eye on your dog and for others to spot them. The Ruffwear Lumenglow is an all-around great choice. It makes your dog easy to see day and night and is water repellant. It also fits easily over most harnesses.

Best Reflective Gear: Ruffwear, Lumenglow High-Vis Dog Jacket

It’s also important to make sure you and your dog are easily seen by hunters during daytime hours, so a blaze orange vest for your dog is a great option as well.

Best Blaze Orange Vest: Ruffwear, Web Master, Multi-Use Support Dog Harness in Blaze Orange

Poop Bags and Trash Bags

Carry biodegradable poop bags and a separate bag for trash to maintain the cleanliness of the trails you explore.

Leaving dog waste on hiking trails can have negative environmental consequences. It can contaminate the soil and water sources, impacting local ecosystems. Dog feces contain harmful bacteria and pathogens that can pose a threat to wildlife and the delicate balance of the natural environment. By picking up after your dog, you help preserve the beauty and integrity of the wilderness.

Hiking is an activity enjoyed by people seeking tranquility and a connection with nature. Leaving dog waste for others to encounter on a trail is disrespectful to fellow hikers. By picking up after your dog, you contribute to a more enjoyable hiking experience for everyone.

Greener Walker Poop Bags are strong and leak-proof to hold up on the trail.

Best Doggy Poop Bags: Greener Walker Poop Bags for Dog Waste

GPS Tracker

GPS trackers for dogs are innovative devices that have become increasingly popular among pet owners in recent years. These devices allow you to monitor your dog’s location, ensuring you can quickly locate them if they wander off.

The primary function of a GPS tracker for dogs is to provide real-time information about your pet’s whereabouts. Most trackers are connected to a mobile app, which allows you to see your dog’s location on a map. This can be especially valuable if you’re hiking in an unfamiliar area.

Many GPS trackers offer a feature called geo-fencing, which allows you to set virtual boundaries for your dog. If your dog crosses these boundaries, you’ll receive alerts on your smartphone, helping you prevent them from straying too far.

Some trackers also provide data on your dog’s activity levels, including their daily steps and exercise routines. This can be useful for tracking their fitness and health.

The battery life of GPS trackers varies, with some lasting a few days and others several weeks. Longer battery life is a must for extended hikes. You’ll also want a tracker that is durable and water-resistant, especially if your dog enjoys activities like swimming or rolling in the mud. Finally, the size and weight of the tracker are important considerations, as you’ll want it to be comfortable for your dog to wear or carry.

The Jiobit Gen 3 is the lightest yet durable tracker out there, so it will work for any size dog or human you need to keep safe.

Best GPS Tracker: Jiobit Gen 3 – GPS Tracker

Dog-Friendly Snacks

Pack high-energy, easily portable dog treats to reward your dog during the hike. Look for treats with natural ingredients. Opting for healthy, portable treats can make the adventure more enjoyable for your dog. Consider bringing along some bite-sized, energy-boosting snacks, such as dehydrated sweet potato slices, which are low in fat and provide an excellent source of fiber and vitamins. Carrot sticks or baby carrots are another great choice, offering a satisfying crunch and hydration due to their high water content. These snacks are not only tasty but also nutritious, ensuring your dog stays energized and well-hydrated during the hike.

In addition to the natural options, you can also pack some commercially available dog treats that are specifically designed for outdoor activities. Look for treats made with high-quality ingredients, free from artificial additives, and suitable for your dog’s dietary preferences. Treats that come in resealable, easy-to-carry packaging are ideal for hikes.

Remember to bring an ample supply of water for both you and your dog, and make sure to provide these snacks in moderation to avoid overfeeding. Well-planned dog-friendly snacks can make your hike more enjoyable for your four-legged friend and help maintain their energy levels throughout your adventure.

Best Dog-Friendly Snack for Hiking: Merrick Power Bites

Training Gear

If your dog is in training, bring along training gear such as clickers and whistle commands. You can reinforce positive behavior while ensuring you maintain control during the hike.

Clickers, for instance, are a popular choice in positive reinforcement training. The clicker emits a distinctive sound that is used to mark the exact moment a dog performs a desired behavior. It signals to your dog they’ve done something correctly and that a reward is imminent, making it easier for them to understand and learn commands. Clickers provide consistent and immediate feedback, which helps dogs associate the sound with a positive outcome, making training more efficient and enjoyable.

Other obedience training aids include items like training collars, harnesses, and leashes. These tools are essential for teaching dogs leash manners and ensuring their safety during walks and outings. For example, no-pull harnesses or head halters can help discourage pulling on the leash, making walks more comfortable for you and your dog.

Smartphone apps and remote training devices are now available, allowing pet owners to deliver commands and rewards from a distance. These tools can be particularly useful for off-leash training and recall exercises, where immediate rewards may not be possible. In all cases, it’s essential to approach obedience training with patience, consistency, and a focus on positive reinforcement.

The STMK Clicker works like a charm for positive reinforcement training and comes with a handy treat pouch to have rewards at the ready.

Best Training Aids: STMK Dog Treat Pouch Dog Clicker Training Kit

Paw Moisturizer

Using a paw moisturizer for dogs during a hike can be a simple yet effective way to protect paws from the rigors of the trail. The constant exposure to various terrains, such as gravel, rocks, and uneven ground, can cause your dog’s paw pads to become dry, cracked, or even injured. A quality paw moisturizer acts as a protective barrier, preventing moisture loss and offering an extra layer of defense against abrasions and irritants. It can soothe existing dryness and help keep your dog’s paw pads in optimal condition, ensuring a more comfortable and enjoyable hiking experience.

When selecting a paw moisturizer for hiking, opt for a product specifically designed for dogs. These moisturizers are formulated to be safe and non-toxic, as dogs tend to lick their paws. Look for ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, and beeswax, which are not only moisturizing but also provide a natural shield against harsh terrain.

Applying the moisturizer before and after the hike can help protect your dog’s paw pads, keeping them soft and supple. Additionally, regularly checking your dog’s paws during rest stops and cleaning off any debris or irritants can further contribute to their paw health.

We love Musher’s Secret Dog Paw Wax for the colder months. It’s non-toxic and long-lasting.

Best Paw Moisturizer: Musher’s Secret Dog Paw Wax

Remember, every dog is unique, so tailor your gear choices to your pet’s specific needs and preferences. With the right equipment, you and your dog can conquer any trail, creating cherished memories together. So, gear up, leash up, and get ready to embark on unforgettable adventures with your four-legged hiking buddy!

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